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Moscow: The Christmas Market

Moscow, the capital city of Russia, will never let you down.

Release time : 2016-12-28 11:28:31
source : Lonely Planet

Moscow, the capital city of Russia, will never let you down. Although western tourists prefer Saint Petersburg for its relatively convenient location as well as the city’s more relaxed atmosphere and similarity in culture. However, Moscow represents Russia by all means. Long being a military town, Moscow has the luxurious Palace, the churches and the gardens as well as industry heritage remains from the Soviet Union era, all of which gives the city an abundance of cultural heritage. When winter comes, Moscow has its simple joy----many varieties of Christmas markets.

Red Square

No one will miss out on visiting the Red Square in Moscow. In Russian, (красная) not only means red, but also means beautiful. Aside from the meaning of color, the Russian name of Red Square (краснаяплощадь) also praises it for its beauty. Every year around Christmas and New Year, the historical GUM Department Store will have specific zone for activities, such as skating, and vendor stalls selling souvenirs and snacks. The carefully decorated adornments can be seen everywhere and the cheerful chatting and laughing coming from the ice rink will make you realize that winter has arrived.

The GUM Department Store, shining under the moonlight, looks beautiful with the golden lighting all over the walls. The store is more of a palace than a shopping mall. Built in 19th century, this building exudes a strong Russian style. In the past, GUM Department Store was the symbol of recession. Now it is a shopping mall that carries luxury brands and electronic products. Even using the toilet comes with a 150 ruble charge. To be honest, I can only afford a 50 ruble serving of ice cream.

Izmailovo Market

Though it is not in the center of Moscow, the flea market here is highly rated on many tourism information sources and one shall not pass on this. The pronunciation of the Izmailovo in Russian sounds like “an ant” in Chinese. That’s why the Chinese people

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