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Vienna - Malakov Chocolate Torte

The Viennese cuisine has an excellent reputation. Especially cakes are a class of their own, for instance the famous Malakov Torte.

Release time : 2019-02-18 15:50:41
source : WienTourismus


Malakov Chocolate Torte

The Viennese cuisine has an excellent reputation. Especially cakes are a class of their own, for instance the famous Malakov Torte. Reportedly, it was created in Vienna in honor of the French marshal Pélissier who was awarded the title Duc de Malakoff after he had successfully defeated the Russian fortress Malakow during Crimea War. The cake’s particularity is that it does not have to be baked. It is a layer cake made from ladyfingers and whipped cream. Simple preparation, high enjoyment!



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