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Rabat Introduction

Rabat, the name is derived from Arabic, and its meaning is interpreted differently. One of them says that "Rabat " means "bundling. " Why should a country s capital be named this way? It is unbelievable!

Release time : 2016-03-28 13:34:51
source : WTCF

Rabat Introduction

Rabat, the name is derived from Arabic, its meaning is interpreted differently. A saying is that "Rabat" means "bundling." It’s amazing why the capital of a country has such a name? Tracing to its source, the original story is this: a long time ago, Rabat was just a small village on the Bank of the Atlantic Ocean; the King at the time tied up captured prisoners and war criminals with ropes, ordered the soldiers to escort them here to engage in heavy labor. With more and more people sent here, the village gradually expanded, resulting in the formation of the city, resulting in a strange name of the city- Rabat.

Another saying is that in 1150, the ruler of the Almohad Dynasty of Morocco, Abd al-Mu'min, with the purpose of sending troops to Algeria, Tunisia and, crossing the sea to Spain. He established a fortress near the ruins of the coastal city of ancient Rome-Salé, naming it "Ribatu l-Fath." This military fortress is La Kasbah des Oudaïa, also known as the fortress of Oudaïa which still exists today. In Arabic, "Ribatu l-Fath" means "victorious barracks,” which is said to be in memory of that year’s victory of the Arab forces in the battle with the Spanish troops. Later, with the changes of the times and the vicissitudes of life, "Ribatu l-Fath" gradually expanded into a grand-scale city, but it still used the old name, Ribat for short, over time, Ribat evolved into Rabat, and is the city name in use today.

The earliest inhabitants were the Tuareg people. In the 7th century, Arabs entered and in the 8th century established the first Arab Kingdom. In 1660, the Allawi Dynasty was established. King Mohammed VI is the 23rd and current emperor of the dynasty. From the 15th century, the Western powers invaded and on March 30th, 1912, it became a French colony. In the same year, France and Spain signed the Treaty of Madrid, thus areas including the northern part of Morroco

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