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The Cultural Activities of the Teatro di Roma are Continuing

The anti-COVID directives have led to the suspension of live shows until 15 January, but the Teatro di Roma continues its cultural activities.

Release time : 2020-12-15 09:48:35
source : Turismoroma

The anti-COVID directives have led to the suspension of live shows until 15 January, but the Teatro di Roma continues its cultural activities. From mid-November, in fact, the halls of the theaters have continued to "live", welcoming the artists of the shows originally scheduled on the bill but also the companies and independent spaces, to allow the different realities of the Roman theater are carrying on with their own research work and productions.

Until December, the spaces of the Argentina, India and Valle theaters are thus involved in a new cycle of residences, rehearsals, routes and crossings, alongside the numerous online activities and various training opportunities. Waiting for the public debut of the new show signed by Giorgio Barberio Corsetti and dedicated to Kafka's Metamorphosis, for example, we can begin to immerse ourselves in his narrative universe and in its atmospheres thanks to the cycle of Kafkaesque Readings created by the theater company. A series of important initiatives that resume the dialogue with the public even when the theaters are closed, allowing us to imagine the cultural planning of the coming months.

Our legal counselors: lawyer Song Yunfeng& lawyer He Wen
both from Dacheng Law Offices