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A new arena floor for the Colosseum

We will be not only able to imagine the Arena of the Colosseum, but to see it in its functionality according to the announcement of the Italian Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini.

Release time : 2020-12-29 09:52:21
source : Travel Daily News

It will no longer be the monument that every tourist knows, but much more. We will be not only able to imagine the Arena of the Colosseum, but to see it in its functionality according to the announcement of the Italian Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini.

The theoretical start of the work, with funding of 18.5 million euros, is expected within the first months of 2021. By the end of spring 2021 the executive project should be completed, in early summer it will be chosen the company for the works and by the end of the year the construction could be completed, as well as the restoration work currently in progress in the underground, which also aims to be finished in 2021. Regarding the tours, hoping that the Covid drama will soon be resolved, there is no reason to be worried: even during the works, the Director assures that "the Colosseum will always be open to the public".

We talk about this astonishing innovation with the Cultural Association Rome Guides, organizing many Guided Tours of the Colosseum : our guest will be Martina Sorrenti, one of the Tour Guide of the Association.

“Today the Colosseum is the main touristic attraction of Rome, but once it was a gigantic amphitheater, equipped with the most advanced technologies of the time, with hoists and complex stage machines to produce the most exciting shows, with hunts and fights. It was commissioned by the Gens Flavia, and was inaugurated in 80 AD after being built in just eight years, where Nero had commissioned a huge artificial lake as a decoration for his Domus Aurea” Martina explains, adding that the Colosseum had its fulcrum precisely on the wooden arena, a stage that in ancient times measured 76 x 44 meters and was covered with sand.

Extraordinary instrument used by the Emperors to gain popular consensus, over the centuries the Colosseum has been modified and improved several times, until it was transformed into a sort of "show machine", incredibly advanced for its

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