
Amsterdam Subway

The network of subway in Amsterdam mainly covers the south of area, with a total of four routes: No 50, No 51, No 53 and No 54 The subway in Amsterdam is primarily used for leaving the downtown for the suburbs such as Bijlmer, Amstelveen and Diemen So it is rarely used by tourists

Release time : 2016-04-28 18:21:02
source : WTCF

The network of subway in Amsterdam mainly covers the south of area, with a total of four routes: No 50, No 51, No 53 and No 54. The subway in Amsterdam is primarily used for leaving the downtown for the suburbs such as Bijlmer, Amstelveen and Diemen. So it is rarely used by tourists.

Service time: 6:00-0:30 the next day

Ticket price: €2.9 for the one-hour card for an adult, €7.5 for the 24-hour card, €12.5 for the 48-hour card, and €17 for the 72-hour card. Moreover, the 4-day, 5-day, 6-day, and one-week cards are available. The specific prices could be inquired on the official website of GVB:

Amsterdam Tram


Amsterdam Tram

Amsterdam’s tram system covers a wide area, mainly focusing on the city center. It is very convenient for the visitors to go to all major tourist attractions using the system. Blue and white trams are very conspicuous and equipped with bells used to prompt pedestrians andthe people cycling to be careful and keep away from them when passing.

Service time: 6: 00- 0:30 the next day

Ticket price: €2.90 for the one-hour card for an adult, €7.5 for the 24-hour card, €12.5 for the 48-hour card, and €17 for the 72-hour card. Moreover, the 4-day, 5-day, 6-day, and one-week card are available. The specific prices could be inquired on the official website of GVB:

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both from Dacheng Law Offices