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Zhangjiajie Introduction

Stick-Peak is the most impressive and can be reputed as “Earth s memorial”. What will impress you most is the grand and mysterious.

Release time : 2016-10-10 10:58:06
source : WTCF

History" revised in the 3rd year (1652 AD) of Daoguang period of Qing Dynasty, Qin state unified six other states in 221 BC and divided the whole country into 36 counties. At that time Dayong and Cili belonged to Qianzhong County, which was the first prefecture in Hunan, even earlier than the provincial capital Changsha. Qianzhong County had jurisdiction over Cigu County, Sangzhi County, Dayong County, Shimen County, Anxiang County, Li County, Jin City, Linli, as well as some parts of Gongan County and Hefeng County in Hubei Province and Taoyuan County in Hunan Province.

Like other places in China, a legend has been developed by ancient people. It said that Zhang Liang - a famed strategist of the Western Han Dynasty, lived here after leaving the imperial court. He lived in fear he would be killed by Liu Bang, the first emperor of the Han Dynasty who had ordered some of his subjects executed out of suspicion they might rebel against him. Zhang found Qingyan (now Zhangjiajie) Mountain is an ideal refuge due to its haunting beauty and tranquility. Due Liu Bang’s reign, Qianzhong County was divided into Wuling County, and Cigu County was converted to Chanling and Chong County.

In the 6th year (263 AD) of Yongan period of the Three Kingdoms Period, Emperor Sun Xiu saw the gate of Haoliang Mountain wide open, and then renamed Haoliang Mountain as Tianmen Mountain, meanwhile changing Wuling County as Tianmen County. In the 4th year (283 AD) of Taikang period of Western Jin Dynasty, Chong County was abolished and established as Linli County.

During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Emperor Liu Jun of Southern Dynasty "divided Jingzhou into Wuling, and Tianmen belonged to Yingzhou" in the 1st year (454 AD) of Xiaojian period. In the 3rd year (467 AD) of Qinshi period under the reign of Emperor Songming, Wuling and Tianmen County still belonged to Jingzhou.

Emperor Gong of Western Wei Dynasty abolished Tianmen County and established Lizhou in 555

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