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Athens in 7 Days

What can you say about Athens that has not already been said? We have been everywhere, from museums to squares, beautiful parks and botanical gardens, churches, and all the other historic buildings.

Release time : 2018-10-30 16:03:46
source : Visit Greece

streets, tavernas with traditional food, cozy cafes, and shops where you can buy ceramics and funny books for children about Odyssey’s adventures.

The city has two main city squares - Omonia and Syntagma.

Syntagma square

Syntagma square is the heart of Athens, with its Parliament building and luxurious hotels. There is a statue there of some sportsman who inspired girls to imitate him.

National garden

Syntagma square looks onto a magnificent botanical park with more than twenty thousand different plants. There is a pool with turtles and a playground for children so this is a real oasis for the feet of tired parents.

Archeological Museum

The National Archaeological Museum is a must see as it takes you through the whole history of the archaeology of Greece. This is a huge museum so it might take you 2 or 3 hours if you want to see all the exhibits: sculptures, ceramics, jewellery, or archaeology stuff. The kid’s favourite exhibit was the huge statue of Poseidon; the one that was found in the ocean. It reminded them of Triton, the father of the Little Mermaid. The only question is, where did he lose his trident?

I must say that I couldn’t totally relax because I was afraid that the kids would break something expensive, for example, the ancient Greek pottery (like a giant ceramic vase). It is a sad fact that many of the most valuable parts of the Acropolis and the Parthenon are not in Greece today. They were taken to England, France, and other countries and Greek authorities have been trying to restore their national treasure for years but unfortunately with no success.

The museums are not dead serious places as it is generally considered. The funniest thing in the museum was comical masks which inspired the kids to make silly faces.

Olympic stadium

The home of the first modern Olympic games looks impressive, but I don’t know if it is worth the fee to enter. You can see it easily without entering. Built in marble in the

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