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Belotur launches fuTURISM – Research and Tourism Innovation Program

The main idea of this initiative is to consolidate Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais Brazil as an intelligent, competitive and sustainable tourist destination, through partnerships that promote innovation in the city.

Release time : 2018-08-07 11:36:49
source : Belo Horizonte Tourism Office

(Source: Belo Horizonte Tourism Office )

The main idea of this initiative is to consolidate Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais/Brazil as an intelligent, competitive and sustainable tourist destination, through partnerships that promote innovation in the city.

With the idea of promoting an exchange with the academic environment and consolidating the capital of Minas Gerais as an intelligent, competitive and sustainable tourist destination, Belotur launched fuTURISM– Research and Tourism Innovation Program. On Monday, July 9, the availability study for the Tourism Innovation Laboratory was presented. The material was produced in partnership with the master’s and doctorate’s students of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG).

Aside from the laboratory, fuTURISM has also planned for other initiatives: HACKATUR - an innovation challenge in tourism focused on startups and entrepreneurs; Smart City and Smart Tourism Destination International Seminar is scheduled for September; and there is also the strengthening of the Tourism Observatory, an institution focused on studies and market intelligence.

“futTURISM is a program that focuses on research and innovation in tourism designed in partnership with universities and the private market sector. It will help us in structuring tourism policies, as well as strengthening the startups and entrepreneurship ecosystem in this perspective”, says Aluizer Malab, President of Belo Horizonte Tourism Office - Belotur.

The program name comes from merging two words, future / tourism, and is focused on the set of guidelines that Belotur prepared to incorporate in its routine as a department of development and promotion of tourist and associated activities in Belo Horizonte. The integrant actions are being designed to promote innovation, foster entrepreneurship and spread knowledge in tourism, culture, entertainment, events and gastronomy, with urban tourism as a catalyst for these segments.


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