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The Oktoberfest in Munich, the largest beer festival in the world: canceled.
Source: Dresden Marketing Board
The Dürkheim sausage market, the largest wine festival, also. The global corona crisis is currently preventing many popular major events. However, the wine festivals are to take place in one of the smallest wine-growing regions in Germany, the Dresden Elbland region. The cities of Radebeul and Meißen, around 15 and 45 minutes by commuter train from Dresden, rely on a new concept. Instead of crowding in the marketplaces, the vineyards and wineries will be a relaxed and happy get-together from September 25th to 27th, 2020. Radebeul‘s Mayor Bert Wendsche: “The Radebeul vineyards are a unique gem in Saxony. Due to the spatial proximity of the individual wineries, public squares and ostrich farms, we have the opportunity to organize an appealing, varied, but at the same time small-scale wine festival in the middle of the impressive landscape. The festival thus also returns to the origin of its tradition - the winegrowers who would like to thank them for the rich harvest. ” And the orgaziners ad: “The wine festival will run from Radebeul West to Radebeul East through the entire city. The guests can stroll over wine boulevards, relax in cozy vineyards, listen to musical sounds on the Elbe meadow, marvel at street theater performances and enjoy Saxon wines and culinary delights in cozy wineries. " Meissen municipality announces: "Comparable to the ‚Open Winery Day‘ , participating winegrowers will invite you to a glass of wine in their courtyards, in the wine shops and wine cellars or even directly in the vineyard, coupled with a companing cultural program. Many restaurateurs in the old town of Meissen will also come up with specials for the weekend. There will be special offers in many restaurants, cafes, wine bars and bars in the old town to celebrate the wine and the joie de vivre.
Corinne Miseer