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U-Tour Signs the Initiative of Tourism Industry Voluntary Code of Practice to Refuse Illegal Wildlife and Products

On March 23rd, 2021, the World Tourism Alliance(WTA) and China Wildlife Conservation Association(CWCA) jointly published the Initiative of Tourism Industry Voluntary Code of Practice to Refuse Illegal Wildlife and Products(hereinafter referred to as the Voluntary Code).

Release time : 2021-03-26 17:51:37
source : Utour Group

refusing illegal wildlife and products. After signing the Voluntary Code, U-Tour will follow the guidance of WTA and CWCA, play a bigger role in the sector, encourage more travelers to abide by the relevant international conventions and laws®ulations, thus contributing its part to protecting the ecological environment, promoting responsible travel and enhancing sustainable tourism development.

Our legal counselors: lawyer Song Yunfeng& lawyer He Wen
both from Dacheng Law Offices